JavaScript? Who's that?

31 Aug 2022

First Impressions about JavaScript

I’ll be honest in saying that I haven’t really been keeping up with my coding as much as I should be so learning JavaScript has been great since there are many similarities to C/C++. There were a lot of familiar techniques such as writing the conditional statements such as if and else, writing functions, updating variables, and writing strings. I also got code using Python during my internship this past summer using it more for data analytics so I would say my small experience with different coding languages, JavaScript is more like when I would do C/C++ in EE160/EE205 but when learning ES6 it reminded me of Python because of the new features I was unfamiliar with that I need more practice with to confidently use it more. So far, I’ve been enjoying learning JavaScript and the class so as we progress throughout the semester, I hope to improve my skills in coding and feel competent in the JavaScript language.

Training for the Athletic Software Engineering Olympics

In order to become more confident in my coding, I think athletic software engineering is very beneficial in learning the ICS314 curriculum. At first, the thought of practice WODs was really intimidating since I’m not too confident with coding but with the JavaScript freeCodeCamp, it made the WODs from E08 and E09 way easier. Even with the group WOD with temperatureConverter, the previous practice really helped and made the task easier.

function temperatureConverter(temp, str){

	if(str === "F")
		return (temp - 32) * 5/9
  else if(str === "C"){
  	return (temp * 9/5) + 32
  	return "Illegal temperature type"

These athletic software engineering exercises are really useful and I look forward to doing more of them in the future. Will I regret saying this later down the line? Probably. I just hope future exercises aren’t going to be exponentially more difficult as the semester progresses.